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    • #62399

      Hi all,
      I am new to the forums came here for some advice.
      I am currently pregnant and have a (Detail removed by Moderator)yr (Detail removed by Moderator). I left my abusive partner (Detail removed by Moderator) ago now after man years of abuse. I’ve fled to my sisters and brothers borough as it’s away from
      Him and his family and he don’t know where they live so I feel safe. I’m trying to get temporary accommodation from my sisters council. I spent all day there (Detail removed by Moderator) completing forms providing them with doctors letter to support my claim. They finally sat me down and said they would help me and that go stay with your sister the weekend (Detail removed by Moderator). When I went back (Detail removed by Moderator) the man who was put in change of my case was on training and the women sent down in his place said they wouldn’t help me because I have a joint tenancy with my partner and I should go back to my housing Association and they will help me. I was really upset at the thought of having to go back to his area but I took my son and went. After waiting for hours to be seen I was sent away told find somewhere to stay for 14 days and they will review if they have to help me or not. The man was really unhelpful and basically told me because I never reported him to the police he doubts they will help me and I have rights to the property I should go back. I said it’s (Detail removed by Moderator) flat it’s over crowded I don’t want to be around his family and friends I want to stay near my family I just got back in touch with them. Any advice on any of this anyone been through the same thing?

    • #62403

      I have no kids but I was in a similar situation.
      I never reported him to the police before.
      We had a joint tenancy.
      They blatantly refused to help me.
      I had no choice but to move away, because his occupation order was very short and he is dangerous.
      I did not want to move away, because I liked the flat and the area very much.
      When I already lived in my new place the housing association wanted to sue me to pay his rent as he refused to pay.
      I had a few months of pure nightmares.
      They even advised him how to get me out whilst he was on bail.
      I nearly lost my life, they did not care.
      (Detail removed by Moderator) I hate them.

    • #62438

      The Housing Association should have a clear domestic violence policy.
      My feeling is you need representation with them and you need it fast.
      Speak to WA.
      Speak to Rights of Women.
      Speak to the CEO of the Housing Association
      sorry I can’t help more
      all best

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