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    • #13416

      Saying please answer me. Just shows how desperate he is because of no contact x

    • #13417

      Can you block his number?

    • #13418

      Occasionally texts manage to get through but it stops you being stressed each time he trys

    • #13419

      Betterdays, no contact is the worst thing for abusers. Please stay strong. I gave in and he took all the power back, he twisted everything and left me feeling like nothing. Then I had to pick myself up again. You are doing so well. Block his number and if he turns up, ring the police. You deserve better❤️

      • #13422

        Hi kip thanks I actually feel in control for once. I’m getting my own back now. If I let my guard down once he’s back in driving seat x

    • #13428

      When I went no contact, I felt a surge of power. I had got control back of my life, so much more than before.

      It had taken me a while to go no contact. He was sending me horrendous texts, bit I think I needed to read them up to a point, even though they were killing me, as I needed to find out who he really was. But there came a point when the ugly language and cruelty became too much. I had discovered who he was, and Indidnt want to read or listen to one more example of his vileness.

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