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    • #6617

      I’m away with family, seeing all the people I love – many of whom.I’ve not.seen in months, some over a year due to being in refuge and subsequently beung rehoused far away.

      But today I’m struggling…i think i’m jealous of a relative? We both are sporting new hairstyles but mine isn’t mentioned.whereas hers is gushed.over by everyone (stupid.really that it even bothers me) but the thing that’s stuck me most is that her new partner is the topic of conversation – he spent xmas with us which was lovely, he’s really nice but I just wish someone would say to me that I’m looking great and looking happy and looking well because.of all the immense changes in my life… but instead its.all said to this relative because she has a new partner.
      It’s ricidulous to feel overlooked really but I do – especially by those who i’ve not seen in such long time.

      And it’s all made me much i miss miss my old life now that I have an.entirely new life. I’m shattered.which doesn’t help and anxious at being back in the same town as my perp…perhaps.I’m being oversensitive and perhaps that’s why.


    • #6618

      I get what you mean. Sometimes it would be nice for people to just reinforce all the good things you’ve been trying so hard to put into place for yourself.

      Maybe they feel she needs the compliments more? As you’re seeming so much stronger and more comfortable in yourself? Just a suggestion.

    • #6646

      Thank you for replying to me HopeSprings, I feel alot better today so perhaps it was a blip due to my tiredness and feeling a bit low…?
      But yes,it would be nice sometimes, especiallt when you’ve not seen someone in ages. Everyone keeps nagging me to get back on social media aswell…is there ever a right time?

    • #6647
      Falling Skys

      I am glad your feeling better today xx

      No right or wrong time with social media, if your happy without being on it don’t go back. I play game, my abuse isn’t on it so I dont have that to contend with.

    • #6649

      Thank you.

      My abuser is… and he’s got many different profiles under various names, some his and some not his. So I don’t know about that. How was everyones Christmases? Safe, I hope and pray. Xx

    • #6650
      Falling Skys

      Best stay off for the time being.

      Mine been good, but I have been sent to Coventry by my son, thanks to his dad my abuser.

    • #6660

      Glad you’re feeling better. To be honest I wish I was strong enough to completely delete social media if you can be without it then do!

      My Christmas was quiet. I worked 2 13 hour shift on Christmas Day and Boxing Day and just chilled at home myself. Got a little emotional speaking to my dad on the phone but all in all had a happy Christmas without the ex.

    • #6676

      Ohh why sent away FallenSky?

      Am glad it’s been a safe Christmas though, Hopesprings I’m pleased you had a happy time!

    • #6683
      Falling Skys

      Hi LBP

      Sent to Coventry means they won’t speak or acknowledge you.

      I must be from a different generation than you xx

    • #6686

      Oh dear :/ that’s awful. Sending big hugs xx

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