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    • #166426

      Hello everyone. Iv been recommended this website by a professional. Undergoing counselling suffering ptsd badly and needing to speak to someone been in a similar situation . I got away from my partner (detail removed by moderator) and everything still messes me up daily and I hate it. I thought it would have got easier or gone away by now but I guess it’s sticking around 😔

    • #166435

      Hi Jukeboxline, welcome to the forum.
      I can totally relate to what you are saying. I have been in the same situation as you and even now, a few years out, I’m only a trigger away from a PTSD meltdown.
      Firstly, it’s great you are having counselling. Hopefully that’s specialist trauma based. Ordinary CBT doesn’t really cut it for most people.I presume you have a diagnosis, or at least a PTSD assessment result? That can get you specialist CBT trauma therapy. The specialist therapy does get you to examine some events and it is v triggering to relive the experience. If you are anything like me, you will actually “be” back in the incident so it does provoke quite a bit of distress but is used to get you to work through it. I think a lot of people find this helpful.
      If you have severe complex PTSD then a different approach may be needed. In my case the conventional therapy did not work and I have been recommended EMDR. I know some ladies on the forum previously had this and spoke highly of it. One word of warning, it appears to make you forget the incidents which is great, but not if there are any court proceedings on the horizon.Then it is not recommended as potentially affects your evidence. I am on a waiting list but cannot have it until police investigations /criminal court proceedings are definitely finalised.
      I can’t tell how long you are out of your relationship, but things do get gradually better with time. There may be setbacks when a trigger or stress causes a relapse but there is improvement. Time is a great healer. I am so so much better than I was. I’m not sure I will ever be completely clear of symptoms but I’m hopeful.
      Best of luck. You are definitely not alone. Feel free to PM me if you like xx

      • #166444

        Hello thank you for taking the time to reply, iv had no diagnoses or not been assessed by a doctor or anything , I went to the doctor finally a while ago sat in the waiting room upset Dr was a hour late so after a hour I gave up and walked out and not had the courage to go back since. I thought I’d be OK and handle it by myself but it’s not working so I think I will try and get the courage to go back again. I just dread talking about it all , had a very long court case over the abuse and that was daunting enough as well as everything else. It just all goes round and round in my head x

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