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    • #12220

      Today I discovered my adult son has lied for his father on a (detail removed by Moderator). I cannot tell you how low this has made me feel. Not to mention that his lies can be easily proved and he could get into serious trouble. There really is no end to their cruelty. The new girlfriend has also lied beyond belief calling me all sorts. I have never even met her or had any contact with her. It did however give me an insight as to the rubbish he is spouting.

    • #12222
      Falling Skys

      O KIP

      Heart breaking for you, these abusers will play sick mind games with their own children to get to their own ends. I have just seen some documents that my ex has written and both my children have been sited on his side. He is driving our son to a nervous break down (and it will be my fault in his eyes) and its beyond my control.

      The only positive is you now know what is being said.

      Stay strong

      FS xx

    • #12228

      My ex is driving my son too. He came to see me and said if I didn’t do x he would go,as a witness for his dad. Then he txt, thanks for making my life difficult! It’s his dad manipulating him just like he used to do to me. I can only take a step back and let him sort it out himself. I won’t cut contact as that’s what his dad wants. I need a break from him or I may say something I regret. All my family are furious but I’ve told them not to contact him either. He just wouldn’t listen. Beyond my control too. The new girlfriend had the cheek to say she was looking forward to celebrating his 21st. How hurtful. Just shows her character. The fact she would have an affair speaks volumes too. Lowlife. I need a break from all this. Hopefully it will be over soon and I will have peace n quiet for years to come.

    • #12231
      Falling Skys

      We have to do what is right for us for once, though discreetly abuse has been mentioned in my paperwork so I am waiting for the fall out. You sound very wise on how you are dealing with the situation.

      New gf sounds a delight.

      Here’s to a peaceful, stress-less life.

      FS xx

    • #12240

      Focus on you. It may take time for your son and ex’s new girlfriend to see through the abuser’s mask, but it will happen over time, and you can’t stop living until that happens.

      And if your son chooses to go down the same route as his dad, well you did your best to try to prevent that. Although I am sure he is being manipulated and will come round.

      Do all the things your controlling ex would never allow you to do. Life is so much more bearable when you choose to it give a hoot what people think as you know you are acting according to the truth. You have every right to enjoy every precious minute of your life, guilt- free. X*x

    • #12245

      Stay strong. Maybe a holiday away from all of them can help ?
      Hopefully your son realises what goes on. He has his father’s genes though. You did what you could. The rest is beyond your power. Shame that he allows himself to be manipulated. x*x

    • #12248

      Thanks Ayanna. I was manipulated for three decades so I can’t really blame my son. I can only wait for him to stand up to his dad.,who has thrown thousands at him over the last year. My ex buys people. My son is financially dependent on him. It was an awful shock, like being abused again. As much as he’s my son. I need a break from him and his bullying ways. I’m glad I stood up to him though. No more abusers in my life.

    • #12253

      Well done! It is not uncommon that children abuse their parents. You do not need that. I am glad you showed him your boundaries. Keep him at a distance until he treats you with respect. x*x

    • #12264

      Thank you all. Without this site and the wonderful ladies who share their experiences I would do something I would live to regret and his father would laugh his socks off. Im staying no contact. I won’t accept that kind of abuse. Even from my son. He is welcome to my world👍👊👊👊

    • #12352

      Hi Hun

      There lowness will never suprise us, like u said its heart breaking but we have to just wait for our children to see through there true colours. U stick by your words and beleifs, that alone is sending a strong message they cant defeat, let his new g f make lies, truth always stands up in end

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