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    • #7906

      Hi everyone
      Thank you all soo much for getting me through this mess I’m in.
      Just not sure where to go from here?

      I didn’t let him see our little girl this wkend as I knew it wouldn’t be safe.

      I replied to his tx to say I couldn’t organise him seeing her and he was fine about it – he has txd (removed by moderator) asking if I can sort something this wk but no abuseive tx.

      Just don’t know which way to turn now??
      He wants us bsck home tomorrow but not sure if it’s what I want or if I’m doing it for him.

      Is he going to be ok or do I really need orders in place?

      Got some difficult decisions to make and feeling scared again and feels like I have only had a few days of being safe


    • #7916

      Please Don’t go back to your abuser keep you and your daughter safe you are both very precious
      Abusers do not care about anyone but them selves they don’t love it’s all words and no actions .
      You need space and time to see it and going back will be okay until it happens again and with abusers it all ways happens again sooner or later
      Big hugs xx

    • #7919

      Hi Hun

      Please don’t even consider going bk , it’s not safe . U r just recently out and still in shock mode so u can’t see dangers we can , I was same even let him sleep at our house one night, all he will do is say his sorry And ask for another chance and will set tears off saying how he is sorry. Pressuring u to give it . another go , he made his choice by hurting u and now has to Face consequence . Try and go no contact or block him if u can while u get stronger get advise from women’s aid if u feeling unsure. Ex And his family will always say be reasonable and give chance, think of yourself first Hun , hardest bit for me was been strong myself so I could be strong for kids . U doing so well Hun

    • #8076

      Please don’t even consider this. None of us are stupid if he couldn’t have a nice side you would never have got involved with him or stayed. Don’t let him turn on being nice and make you block out all the bad things that will happen. If its anything like my ex it runs in a cycle of nice then nasty once he gets you back it will all start again but be even worse as he will have to increase his control over you to make sure you don’t leave again. Please don’t.

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