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    • #15977
      Falling Skys

      He told me that I lost the other day and not to be so petty.

      This is after going to (detail removed by Moderator). I had two options,one I got what he said, two fifty fifty, I got the option two and everything in the house apart from his personnel belongings. Which when his list arrived included (detail removed by Moderator)…..

      We found he had hidden money,but it was just not worse chasing and he was called a lier but my solicitor.

      So I just ignored him a went out with friends.

      I presume this is just a bitter man trying to abuse to the end, or in his head he thinks he has one?

    • #15988
      White Rose

      Youre not sure what he’s on? I can tell you – he’s on the same planet as my ex is!
      I keep getting told I got more than I deserved which was just under half on paper as i gave in on house contents to get it over with…. he too had squirrelled money away 1000s which he never showed in declaration and I gave up on that too.
      What I have is my life, my sanity (at least i’m getting there!) my health and the love of our child and that is worth far more than money and possessions.
      He’ll keep it up I’m sure. Keep going. He’s only doing it to get at you. Your solicitor called yours a liar mine refers to mine as “that evil little man”. That still makes me laugh as does my image of him as rumplestiltskin dancing naked round a fire!
      Keep strong!!

    • #15994
      Falling Skys

      Thankyou White Rose, maybe these men all come from the land of the (detail removed by Moderator)…..

      Had some one come round and took a full inventory of the house, I have made a list of things I disputed very hard when you didn’t want anything.

      But I will car boot and face bay when the house is sold and start again.

      The saddest thing about all this is I have lost my children.

      FS xx

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