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    • #20668

      The lovely Serenity has just shared a You Tube video with me, its short, sweet to the point and all about respect and acceptable behaviour, here it is….

    • #20695

      Thank you HA, I think I know a few people who could do with taking note. Although it came on so loud I nearly jumped out my skin, might be worth checking volume control before clicking lol x

    • #20705

      Dear ladies, if you look at Teatimes I just want to be myself. …serenity had contributed a great link on abuse victims rights.💪💪💪💪💪💪

    • #21581

      Dear Ladies, I just thought that I would share a few things that I really took to during my battle against Trauma Bonding, managing my ex and his discard of me:

      Cycle of Loss/Cycle of Grief
      N********t Free by Zari Ballard

    • #21587

      I,ve just started reading another covert abuse book, it’s really good 👍👍👍👍👍Covert Emotional Manipulation Exposed by John Montori, I got it from Amazon Xxxx

    • #21616

      Another news report of a strong, confident independent, intelligent woman who is opting to stay single for a while and is happy with that. This is so good to see. I am single, i live alone, my job is interesting, i get pleasure out of being in my house & garden and I often go on holidays abroad by myself. I like my life.

    • #21627

      Thank you have found the resources and will spend some time looking at these THANK YOU xx

    • #21628

      You are welcome Hoodwinked, please do keep posting & reading on here as it will really help you. X*x🌱

    • #22769

      If you fancy a holiday but have nobody to go with, I have now had over 10 holidays and have always had a fantastic time. You go by yourself, but you are in a group of other people who are also by themselves, you normally meet up at the airport. During the holiday, you have the option either to hang out together or do your own thing. Its entirely up to you. The first holiday, i was terrified, so shy and nervous, but I soon got into the swing of it. I kept it low key at first, just one week somewhere quite close. It was the start of my independence after my ex refused to ever go away and I went without for years. I’ve travelled with Solo’s, Friendship Travel, Exodus, Onetraveller. There are many organisations for the solo traveller if you do a google search.

      Also if your keen to get out a bit more and develop some more personal independence, I love I am now a member of quite a few social groups and have met some nice people and developed more interests. XXXe

    • #23052

      I have just found this website, it is really inspirational,i hope you find something on it which gives you some peace. X

    • #23480

      There is some interesting information on this website on the n********t disapearing act, co-dependency etc. In fact this website is filled with information on empowering women, its FANTASTIC!!!! please do take a look.X*X

    • #24318

      Dear Ladies, this website is so great for positive, feelgood powerful quotes, please do take a look.
      ItsHISproblem X*X

    • #25402

      Just have to say I have had a wry smile at this – my ex became (removed by moderator) recently. Didn’t stop the behaviour, just meant he meditated o. It and decided I was I. The ring, lol😉

    • #25403

      Sorry, ‘ he meditated on it and decided I was in the wrong’ is what I was trying to say

    • #25416

      Sorry to hear that Itsoktobeme.
      I get so much from self help books and quotations, hopefully your ex was just one in a minority. X*X

    • #25420

      The Women’s Comfort Book- Jennifer Louden
      Simple Abundance- Sarah Ban Breathnach

      These books are so great for giving you back a sense of yourself. If you have been manipulated, gas lighted or trauma bonded they are like chicken soup for the soul!!!! Don’t forget that we are basically lovely, decent & amazing people who have just been unlucky to get hooked up with a horrible person. X*X

    • #25430

      Hi HealthyArchive,

      No worries, I don’t hold it against all (removed by moderator)! And I really appreciate the links to so many helpful resources, I am getting to work my way through some of them and am really grateful for the work done by yourself and others to make these links easier to find. Reading and getting knowledge and insight is key for me, so thanks from the bottom of my heart X

    • #25434

      You are welcome, you can break through, its challenging and takes time but life is so much better when you are not in the abusive relationship. X*X

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