I sympathise, also having two boys. We love them, but we are d****d if we are going to have them grow into perpetrators with a sense of entitlement!
Being a good mum will involve sometimes having little fallings out with them, as you try to guide them on the right path, but we must be wary that they aren’t abusing us.
Just stand firm, give him for reasons in a succinct form ( teens don’t like lectures!) and ask him- if he argues- to think of why you are making such a request. Get him to start thinking and reflecting!
It’s easy to get emotionally pulled in and drained when they behave like this, and what I do is utter the 70/30 division in my head ( I am only 70% a mum, I am 30% me, so when they are pushing my buttons, retreat to that 30%!).
I think it’s good for our kids- even teens- to see that positive behaviour gets attention, negative behaviour doesn’t get attention , but to always keep the lines of communication open and to stay firm with our boundaries x