His words “I only ever go over the top when I am pushed” “ everyone who knows me knows not to push me or I don’t see red I see black”.
Again I don’t feel threatened ever but these words are a bit weird to me.
Like everyone else is responsible for his behaviour not himself. Don’t really like the sound of that.
Yep, that’s a bit of a red flag basically putting you on edge to ‘never cross him’ and not your first with this man sadly if it’s the same guy? hope you’re ok xx
Run for the hills! It’s a direct threat. Good observation. He’s told you he’ll lash out if he doesn’t get his way, that basically he’s dangerous. Massive red flag.
Once you know you go, and once you’re out, you stay out. yes, this is a big one.
Yeah that’s quite intense.
It’s like the guy I was just dating, he told me he had had a bad day and called his mum names and they fell out. Said he didn’t remember it. That he said sorry but can’t guarantee if wont happen again.
I know how easy it is to ignore red flags, did you start dating quite soon after the breakup with your abuser?
I did and it really leaves you so vulnerable and makes it literally nearly impossible to leave when you see the red flags.
The guy told me he had slapped an ex before for sending dity pics to another guy. I ignored that too.
Be carefull x*x
RUN RUN RUN. it is a warning not a red flag. he will use the same sentence later on when something happens and blame you for not listening and all of it being your fault. i know it sounds very blunt but this is what i`ve learned over the years from my abuser, they do tell victims at very beginning but because we dont know them we give them the benefit of the doubt.
Be safe and very careful x