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    • #109362

      I’m debating leaving the area due to my husband’s behaviour, but I can’t afford most private rents. I’ve registered with a few local councils, but I haven’t put the reason why I want/need to move. If I did put due to my husband’s obsessive/controlling behaviour, what would happen? I don’t want social services etc involved.

    • #111745

      hi, i was in your position the first time round with my ex as i didn’t want the police involved, however my housing association didn’t take it seriously, i tried a neighborhood office but i was too young for them to help me despite being pregnant. then i tried a homeless youth organisation who said that i could be housed with them but it might not be the best option for me as i was already living independently then suggested that i contact the police so it could help provide support for a move. however, it didn’t do much since my housing officer told me that he’d be able to put me on the transfer list for a property, to only find out that he didn’t, painting me to look like a liar to the social worker!!!! to make matters worse, when the housing officer finally gave me a transfer form I was told the register had closed after filling it out and handing it in to them.
      anyway,to answer your question i don’t think stating domestic abuse as a reason will be enough to move, so i doubt they’ll get social services involved if you did, there’s a chance they would encourage you to call the police who will automatically contact social services.
      you might be better off getting the support of the authorities for a move, i know it’s sounds simple in theory, i’ve been there myself…
      maybe you could contact a refuge and go down that route or if you are in social housing, maybe you could look into an exchange? i know they take long but i suppose it depends on your individual situation.
      sorry if i rambled a bit or if what i’ve written is all over the place, i hope it makes sense or helps you in some way!

    • #111746
      Twisted Sister

      I hope you are ok @anonymous?

      Have you made a move yet, or received any support for your move? Or contacted the police/services to report issues?

      I hope you are making plans to get out safety.

      Warmwst wishes


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