I will try and make this short, I hope it makes sense my thoughts are everywhere.
Some of you will remember from the old forum me leaving that was some months ago now. From this new forum you will have seen that he is now in prison for some of his actions but also still on bail for others. Also that I am due to move out of refuge soon.
But this is where I feel so overwhelmed and scarred. You see it is looking like us moving and him coming out of prison are going to happen at the same time. I can’t see how all the safety measures will be put in place before he gets out, especially when the support worker that said she’d do the referrals is leaving before we move.
I am feeling so stressed and overwhelmed. I also feel like I have let my children down so badly, they had everything. A school the oldest loved she’s now about to start the second since we left, a garden they could play in. They won’t be able to play out at the new house as there is no fence to keep them safe. I have no washer or cooker to properly care for them. And I don’t know how to keep them safe from him. Sometimes I do wish I hadn’t left. Sorry