I’m going to start a daily diary and day 1 tomorrow of no contact. I once did it for 2 weeks let my guard down I were back at square one. I’ll see how I go. I mean let’s face it were am I ever gna get? X
Good on you. It’s hard, but if you keep at it, it becomes easier, and you never look back!
My ex hasn’t had eye contact from me or a word spoken to him for (detail removed by Moderator) months, and he never will. I am flourishing without him, very slowly! 🌺
Good for you betterdays 😃 (detail removed by Moderator) months of no contact for me and like Serenity i’ve been making so much more progress with the no contact.
Well done you! It definitely helps you get a little control but word of warning that it will escalate. U need to c this as a sign of it working tho. I didn’t and gave in, responded to a pitiful text saying I hoped he felt better and I was back to square one. He saw this as wellness and the nasrtiness came right back. Don’t give up, don’t do what I did. However innocuous they seem, do not reasons. I’ve heard from third parties that it’s this that is making him angry as hell, the no response. Remember when u choose not to engage u choose to take control back. Sending u lots of hope and strength. X*x