- This topic has 13 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 11 months ago by
29th February 2016 at 11:44 am #10742
ParticipantI’ve made an appointment to go back to gp today as my sleep is still the same. I wake up after 2 hours, sleep for another 2 and then can’t get back to sleep. I’m desperate now. I tried kalms but they made me feel sick. Wonder if gp can give me something for sleep, even if it’s just for a couple of nights. Today, my head feels like fuzz and I can do nothing much. Worse thing is. I have an opportunity to get into working from home, but I need my mind to be functioning but it isn’t. Haven’t had any exercise/walk for ages. I will try that later too. Haed anyone tried the Bach sleep rescue remedy,? I’ll try anything.
Thank you for listening, brave ladies.
x -
29th February 2016 at 12:32 pm #10748
ParticipantHi Eve1, I did not take meds and it took me several months after the last court hearing to get sleep of more than three hours per night. I was off work for a few days and suddenly I slept 12 hours in one go. I had nightmares and screamed as well, but I went back to sleep. I have not slept for more than three hours per night for the last two years! Imagine how long it took me to sleep again, although with interruptions. I did not care that I could not sleep all that time, I just drank loads of coffee to manage the days and carried on. It seems my body is finally getting back to normal. All the exhaustion is coming out now. Be patient with yourself. Accept that your body is not working well at the moment. It will function again.
29th February 2016 at 1:09 pm #10751
mixed-up mum
ParticipantHi Eve – sorry to hear you’re still not getting much sleep, I know how you feel.
Yeah maybe the Doctor could suggest something.
I have not tried the Bach Remedies, but a very good friend of mine has had them, and says they helped her, may be worth a shot, you never know might help you – when yir desperate for sleep, anything is worth giving a go.Hope working from home works out for you.
Sorry got to dash, I’m working now.
All my best wishes x*x
29th February 2016 at 3:13 pm #10755
ParticipantThank you both. I’ll let you know how I get on. I think I am impatient as it’s so important for me to find work now. I’m pretty sure it’s the antidepressants causing it and I can’t really stop them now so I’m hoping it’s a side effect that wears off. On future though, I think I’ll try other things before antidepressants again.
Now I’ve just been told I’ve for an interview tomorrow! Lack of sleep does not bode well for that.
x -
29th February 2016 at 3:45 pm #10756
mixed-up mum
ParticipantHi Eve – yes do please let us know how it goes at Docs, as I said the Bach Remedies my be worth a shot, if you get nothing from the Docs.
That’s BRILLIANT you have an interview tomorrow!!!!! 🙂
29th February 2016 at 4:17 pm #10757
ParticipantThanks M.u.M., I’ll do my best!
The doc said up my tablets to 20mg, which I didn’t really rant to do, but I will give it a go. I’ve bought the bach tamest anyway, wanted to feel I was doing something before it saw the doc. I had thought that maybe the dose wasn’t enough. I am thinking though that if I come off than again I would look alternatives before going on them again.Warm wishes
x -
29th February 2016 at 5:42 pm #10760
White Rose
ParticipantIf you haven’t done it yet just wait till after interview to up your dose!!! Sometimes the shaky odd spaced out feeling comes back or worsens for a few days.
Good luck with the interview keeping things crossed for you xx -
1st March 2016 at 2:31 pm #10789
ParticipantI didn’t get the job, but it really wasn’t for me as I didn’t have the specific experience. They have said they’ll bear me in mind if something else comes up though. White Rose, I took your advice and didn’t take my new dose until after the interview. I feel a bit woozy now, so I’m glad I did, thanks.
This working from home thing involved talking to people and I emailed this group of friends about it. One of than had emailed back ‘I don’t think you should work from home’. She’s said to me before that she thinks I should be with people and that working I’d about getting out of the house. I agree with that too a degree, but it just annoys me and bugs me that she is so absolute about it. Like she’s telling me what to do. It’s very matter of fact, no explanation, just that one sentence. I am going to look into the job because it works around my daughter. It’s a shame because I have thought of this lady as a very good friend. I have had a bad experience with her once before though, when I was quite low and she basically verbally attacked me about various things I hadn’t done to help myself, it was horrible. So I am a bit wary of her now. She knows a bit more about domestic abuse now, so I trust her a bit more, but I still think that telling what I should and shouldn’t do is a bit off.
Anyway, rant over. Here’s hoping for some better night’s sleep in the future.
1st March 2016 at 5:23 pm #10795
mixed-up mum
ParticipantHi Eve – good to hear from you and hear how things are going.
It is disappointing not to get a job when you were hoping it would be the answer to all your problems – but I guess you have to look at it this way ( the way I did when I didn’t get that last job I tried for) if it’s meant to be it will be – I believe things happen at the right time, for the right reason.
Maybe others will think I’m daft, but you gotta cling on to, and believe in something, that’s the only way to keep going…..The right job that’s meant just for you will happen at just the right time. 🙂
I tried for a job (my first ever interview in my mid-forties) back in (month removed by Moderator) – didn’t get it, there were 2 other part-time jobs I was going to go for but didn’t – and now I hear of a job coming up in (month removed by Moderator) , its local, its what I trained to do, and what I have done for the past (detail removed by Moderator)yrs, and I hoping I get it – at its thhe job for me – if I’d have got the others they just might not have worked out, where as I feel this one was meant for me – the right job at the right time and place – fingers crossed I get it in (month removed by Moderator) …..
Something WILL turn up for you too – I believe it will. 🙂
About the working from home thing – well I’m affraid I have to agree with your friend on this …..as you may remember I work from home and – it really is not good for me at times when I’m feeling low – because I’m working from home I don’t get out of the house working with people, meeting people, and it does make my depression worse – I know it does…..
I’m OK on the ‘good days’, but on the not so good days, it means I often don’t get up, or get dressed, and I can go all day and see nobody and speak to no one – which does not help my low moods…..I have noticed when I’m low if I just MAKE myself get up, get dressed and go out, then seeing people and getting out of the house DOES help me ……so please don’t take this the wrong way, but take it from one who knows – working from home alone isn’t always the best for you if you are struggling…….Maybe your friend meant well, but she’s just not good at being subtle – and can say things in a way that hurts or offends you – some folk are just too blunt and can hurt your feelings, and not realise they have done it – me mam is the same …..she opens her mouth and out comes this ‘well meant advice’ – but she says it in such a way that it often hurts my feelings, and she can and does offend me – but she’s me mam, and I just gotta take it from her – I know it’s well meant, but she just doesn’t know how to be subtle!!!!!
It depends how much you have to do with this friend, do you see her or speak to her often – have you been friends long – does she mean a lot to you??
If you haven’t known her long, and you don’t often see or hear from her, then maybe she is just not the best of people to have around you right now….if her words often hurt or upset you – then maybe you are better off without her in your life at the moment…..Maybe just cut any contact with her for a while – see if SHE makes the effort to want to be in your life still – if she makes no effort then you are better off without her…..
If you feel this job is what you want or need for the moment, then do go for it – it may just ‘tide you over’ for a short time – until something else turns up.
Hope you sleep well tonight. x*x
1st March 2016 at 10:16 pm #10815
ParticipantHi Eve1
Have you looked up the anti-depressants that you are taking?
If I take my anti-depressants at night, I can’t sleep. they get me up and going but the sleeping/mood stabilizer tablets help me sleep. It’s Sertraline that I take that makes me too alert.
I have taken Citalopram before which didn’t seem to do very well at defeating my depression. Venlafaxine and Mirtazapine did not agree with me.
Also a good idea to check if your anti-depressant is also used to treat anxiety.
I don’t think my anti-depressant does well for my anxiety. In fact I think it makes me more anxious.
I know it’s a cliche but I look at my medication as uppers and downers, I ask myself do I need to perk up or calm down and it it the right time to calm down and relax or do I need to get up for an appointment or for work.
If you are only diagnosed with depression (I have anxiety, mild ptsd symptoms from the assault, as well as a personality/mood disorder), it’s worth trialling each medication for 3 months until you find one that works and with side effects that you can tolerate.
Good luck and restful night’s sleep wished for.
2nd March 2016 at 1:35 pm #10860
mixed-up mum
ParticipantHi Eve – how you feeling today??
2nd March 2016 at 2:56 pm #10865
ParticipantIts so nice to come on here and see replies, thank you.
HI M.U.M. Today I’m feeling really spaced out and not great at all as the day goes on, down to upping the dose I’m sure,so I’m hoping in a few days that will wear off. I did sleep a bit better though, so fingers crossed. I’ve been trying to to a big clean and tidy up as the landlord is round tomorrow, ground to a halt and had to have a lie down but hey ho. I,ve got a counselling session tonight, it’s my second one with this counsellor. I’m not sure I can afford it actually, and I really don’t feel like going, so I’m going to discuss that with her. I’m not sure we’re going to gel. It’s a shame I can’t see the same one as before, I really grew to like and appreciate her. The friend I mentioned does mean a lot to me, when I think about it. She is definitley not subtle, like your mum! And we don’t live round the corner or are in constant touch, so it seems to work out.
Sahara D, I have read quite a bit about citalopram. They are used for anxiety, which I think is what I really need them for. I ‘m not sure whether I ‘m depressed or not, or whether I was but feel better now. I’m sure I was a few years ago when I first started taking them and I know I don’t feel anywhere near as bad as that. I stopped taking them for a few months, but then at Christmas and just after I and whilst I was doing that horrible job I did get really low and when I was on my own for a couple of days over Christmas, (not a good idea I know, but it was kind of sprung on me by me ex to take the children) I spend it mostly crying. So I took myself off to the docs and told him, through my tears, I thought I probably needed to go back on them and he was happy for me to do that. I couldn’t stick with them though, and didn’t start taking them properly until I lost the job, at which point I think what I felt was anxiety and fear, rather than depression. Does that make sense? I definitely felt calmer after I started taking them.
Got to go now, but want to try to get back on later. Thanks again
x -
4th March 2016 at 7:10 pm #10945
mixed-up mum
ParticipantHi Eve – how are things today?
How did it go with the landlord?
How was counselling?? I’ve never had any counselling, so I didn’t realise that you had to PAY for it? Yeah maybe this one is just not right for you – you do have to ‘gel’ as you say, or it won’t work.
Well if she is a good friend and you are close then that’s good that you have friends for support. And yeah maybe it helps that you don’t see her all the time.
Hope you are sleeping better?
Take care,
5th March 2016 at 6:25 pm #11001
ParticipantHi M.U.M,
I’m not bad today thanks. I’,M sleeping better, I still wake up but i get back off again. They do make me feel generally more tired in the day. That should wear off though. I also feel a bit more low than I have, I felt weepy driving home yesterday after seeing my parents, but again, it’s only s free days since I upped the dose.
The counselling was ok. I’m still not sure it will work out for me this time. Yes, I’m paying. They have a sliding scale so I only pay the lowest rate. Counseling from your gp is generally free though, I’ve also got a number for counselling from the nursery practitioner which is on the nhs do I’m going to ring them them I get round to it.It went ok with the landlord. I’m going to look for something smaller more that there’s mostly just two of us. My daughter’s not great today. I’m not sure rent. She’s just s bit down too. I feel bad because I feel so lethargic I haven’t got energy to do much with her. Hoping to go for a walk tomorrow.
Hope you’re OK
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