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    • #12889

      I feel so stupid & disappointed with myself ! I decided to give my husband one more chance after he promised that he would give me a normal life after our time apart, it last a week then this weekend he started picking at me saying I’m too friendly when my neighbour was speaking to me outside then my brother popping round for an hour made he really annoyed because he said that it was “our time” he’s given me the silent treatment for 2 days said I don’t put him first etc I feel like I’m back where I started again 🙁

    • #12908

      Big hugs! You gave him his chance. Now you can kick him out for good without feeling bad because you tried everything. x*x

    • #12916

      Yet more proof that these abusers don’t change.

      Don’t feel stupid: you gave him the benefit of the doubt. You did all you could. Take your power back, and get rid of him, safe in the knowledge that you really tried your best.

    • #12918

      It’s not you that’s stupid. These abusers are great at manipulating. Next time you manage to get rid of him, go no contact. You’ve done it before. Now you know you can do it again. I took mine back too. The abuse actually got worse. I think he resented the fact I got rid of him in the first place. Boy did I pay for that❤️

    • #12930

      Yep, same story here – took mine back 3 times over a fairly short period and each time he’d be the perfect husband for a couple of days and then the monster would unleash, and every time the monster was angrier, more short tempered and my ability to appease him had diminished by the third time.

      You’re not stupid, none of us are, we just possess positive qualities that our abusers don’t which unfortunately is what makes us so vulnerable to their manipulation, especially when they know exactly what angle to use to tug on our heart strings.

      You’re not back at square one, you have gained something invaluable: an experience that you can look back on when you’re making furture decisions, when you’re having doubts, etc.

      Hugs ❤ stay strong x

    • #12948

      Thank you ladies he left my house last night after I told him I cannot be controlled and put down anymore I think now that he just came back to punish me, put me down and make me feel guilty! I can’t go back to that bad place definitely no contact this time xx

    • #12950

      Well done. Keep a journal. Write down everything he did to you and how it made you feel. Write your thoughts and feelings. It helps to get it out. Change your locks if he has a key. Don’t be scared to ring police. Enjoy your peaceful life. Take time to heal x

    • #12972

      In the very short time my husband was back he pressured me to try and move house as he hates my house and wants somewhere together, get pregnant again, stop talking to my neighbours, not answer the door to visitors, stop being on my phone, stop being so friendly as he’s apparently never met someone as friendly as me and then went on to say again the reason it worked so well with his ex of 6 years was because she always put him first and wasn’t interested in anything apart from their lives and if he didn’t like someone she would cut them off… whenever I tried to stand up for myself as I actually felt really hurt by the things he was saying he accused me of being a drama queen and over-reacting but I don’t feel that I should have to be spoken to like that xx

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