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    • #20896

      The professionals response to him kicking off is to get some women from the housing to come out and see me on (date removed by moderator) and our local officer will come too. This is bull he made out it was cos of what he gets up to but when I rang her she said it was their duty as my landlord to safeguard me. I told her I don’t want their help but she has basically said I don’t get a choice. So it looks like we are looking for somewhere else to live. I have spoken to the kids and they have said fine but it is not something I look forward to as this is a secure tenancy. However I am not being pushed around by the agencies, this is yet another tactic because children’s services did not work. They infuriate me and I will just leave. Never in my life have I dealt with agencies that are so hell bent on making their point and pushing us around. I tried working with them and they just went behind our backs and worked against us so now I will not even give them the time of day.

      My line for them all is quite simply this, you may not agree with my choices but I have the right to make them and I am d****d if anyone will take that away!

    • #20904

      Hi, Do yo mean they are going to move you and the kids only and not him, surely they cant make you, do they know about your agoraphobia, how one earth would you cope,he would also find out where you were,what ever are these people thinking of , it just gets worse for you x*x

    • #20917

      No they are just telling me that cos of the noise etc that my tenancy is under threat, I have been told today that they can move him out because as I am their tenant and he is the one causing the problem they can get an occupational order to say who lives here. It is just another tactic by the agencies to get their own way. So after chatting to the others if that is the route they go down we shall all go and then they have no right to say who lives in my house. Fed up of being treated like I cannot make decisions for myself and being treated like an idiot. It is so much more complex than just moving him out and if they had not gone behind my back maybe the lines of communication would be open but right now I do not have the time of day for them.

    • #20918

      I see, has someone complained about noise then. Does he know what is going on with them x*x

    • #20958

      I think this has happened bcos of me ringing police the day. They always do this which is why i rarely report bcos it ends up backfiring. I have told police im not meeting with them they can evict me. Looking for somewhere else is a headache though. X

    • #20961

      I see this is a result of calling them, so unjust, how would you cope moving with your agoraphobia, what has your Son had to say about it all, it seems everything comes back on you xxxxx

    • #20964

      I will have to deal with it if it comes to it, I will ask the doc for some meds. I havent told him anything I won’t hear the end of it and I literally feel like my head cannot take much more. Which is why I have refused to speak to her and the police. I know I will end up being incredibly rude or crying so better I avoid them and let them think I am obnoxious. I spoke to a solicitor today who reckons its a drawn out process. On the plus side the daughter now has somewhere to live but she is leaving everything to me and I am nagging her to fill in her forms etc but she is so hormonal she is in princess mode and I lose all patience and do it myself. I did ask social worker for some help the one that came out to see kids but she has not bothered with us since despite saying she would be out last week. Then they wonder why my kids are also very anti worker. Say one thing do another. I will be glad when this is all sorted and I don’t feel like my head may explode at any minute x

    • #20966

      Im not surprised your head feels like it does, good news on your Daughter but that is all falling on you as well, you get no break from it all, its such a strain on you all you the time, hugs xxxxx

    • #20967

      I am focusing on when it is all done and she is settled then I can breathe a sigh of relief. x

    • #20969

      Thats good will it help him to be less jealous with her not there, as it seemed to make him worse at one stage xx

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