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    • #60782

      Hiya lovely ladies.

      Anyone had any experiences on transfers etc?


    • #60789

      Not sure what you mean by transfers? Transferring jobs?

    • #60799

      Transfer refuge. Sorry lol. I thought I put it in the refuge category lol xx

    • #60800

      Hi there. Sorry I always just press topics and you get the latest posts. I can’t be of much help but I’m sure the helpline on here will be able to help you. I can’t see them objecting if they have the space. There might be a wait so let them know asap x

    • #60801

      Thanks hun x

    • #61245

      Hi Trapped, you can request for a transfer from your support worker at the refuge. I’ve just recently did a transfer because the refuge area where I was, I felt I will not have no support since I did not have any family or friends there. In the end I ended up going online & called the DV support in the area where I wanted to move & explained to them that I would like to move to their care because I will have more support there & I passed in their deatails to the refuge support workers where I was before & as luck was in my side. One of their houses was going to be free in two weeks time. Nice part it’s a house, just me & the kids.

      The former refuge workers tried to help but in the end, I found myself this refuge by going online & doing some bit of google work. I hope you get all the help & everything get sorted out xx

    • #65597

      Hi all,

      Sorry to hijack this post, does anyone have any knowledge on transferring house? My ex partner knows where we live and I am really keen to move elsewhere so he isn’t aware of our location.

      I am constantly calling the police and living in fear 24/7.

      Any help or advice would be great.

      Thanks xx

    • #123388

      Hi my experience of hostel life was pretty grim. They walked in whenever they wanted. The social worker and midwife took my baby. So I know how you feel when you’re feeling like no one is listening or respecting you. Keep trying. You could contact other hostels directly. I’m going to make a cup of tea now. Thanks. J

    • #124778

      I also want to transfer I don’t like where I live I feel suffocated here?

      Please tell me how you did it.

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