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    • #62567

      Struggling at moment
      One moment I can feel ok almost happy relaxed. Then just takes one thing and then I’m crying.

      Yesterday it was my son moaning cos I was singing. Any other time I could of brushed it off.
      But just triggered times when he would say something to ruin my mood.
      I got upset fast which then I felt bad cos it upset my son.

      This morning was watching morning tv it was on about coercive control.

      I feel a lot of guilt for staying so long in the marriage.
      My children witnessed a lot and was normal to them.
      I’m hoping that with everything that’s happened that they are learning it wasn’t ok.

      Home life is loads better now my children are relaxed.

      Just wished I’d of got out of it a lot sooner for them

    • #62568

      It was never ever your fault. You met a manipulative cunning monster. None of us were prepared to deal with such a predator. I hope you’ve managed to find some good counselling. What you’re feeling is normal as your brain begins to process the nightmare you’ve been through. It a desperately unfair recovery road. Just when you get rid of the con man, you are left with his trauma to deal with. It helpled me to read Living with the Dominator and Why Does He Do That. To learn about gas lighting, cognitive dissonance, plausible deniability. The tools of that abuser. Just know that you’re not alone in your journey and we all struggle at times. Keep going. You got out eventually whatever that lightbulb moment was you’re never ever going back x

    • #62573

      I’m still waiting for counselling I need to chase it up.
      Waiting for place on freedom program too

      This forum is a great help.

      Yeah I think my mind is catching up with me now.

      Thank you kip x

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