I have my prescriptions delivered by pharmasist due to my disability and over a very bad session of abuse earlier this year, my Husband was in a rage when the man delivered , I had opened the bedroom window as the door had knocked and was standing there when my husband went to the door, he stood outside swearing filthy things at me then he chucked my prescritpon up at me so aggresivley, the man delivering just stood there let him do all of this and didn’t say a word.
He has just called this morning and he is all over my Husband like a rash , yet he witnessed how he treated me, anyone else have people ignore what is done to them. I feel so hurt and angry, he almost was verbally patting on the back, its really upset me. My Husband also has a male neigbour he goes to see and he knows full well what happens but never challenges him, just takes no notice and befriends him, why do people ignore abuse especailly men