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    • #151354

      Hi everyone,

      I am here in the UK on a spousal visa and my relationship with my husband has broken down due to what I fully now understand to be domestic abuse – although it took me a long time realise what was happening. His behaviour was emotionally/verbally abusive, very controlling and perhaps some financial abuse as well. I left the house temporarily as I started to feel unwell and like I was fading away. I didn’t matter as a person to him. He smoked weed every day, became verbally abusive and demeaning (calling me stupid, a c**t, told me he was embarrassed by me among other things).

      I am here on a spousal visa and need to get some advice to understand what my rights are and what visas are available. I am seeking to speak to a lawyer for support too but I would love to know if anyone else on here has been through this?

      If I go down the route of untangling my visa from him due to domestic abuse, I have read online that he may be contacted and notified. Is this the case? How can I be sure? Would appreciate any advice if anyone has been through the process and what to expect?

      Thank you

    • #151356

      Please contact your local Women’s Aid for direct support. You may find Rights of Women helpful. Also FLOWs has lots of advice and contact details.

    • #151358

      Just sending you a hug and support. I am not in the same position in terms of visa but I am trying to leave an emotionally, verbally and financially abusive partner. I do understand from that perspective. Rights for women were great and they can direct you to solicitor who specialise in domestic abuse. You take care and let us know how you get on xx

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