Just got a nasty feeling that summit might happen no locks on the doors and the only one there even if there was how do I know they are genuine who do you think I should call I don’t have friends or family so who going to Know if I die
Thank you for sharing with us. If you feel able to then you could discuss your concerns with the refuge workers about safety and security within the refuge. Hopefully they can reassure you and put your mind at ease- it is a big decision about going to a refuge so it is important you feel comfortable.
Hi Lisa
still feeling a little unsettled when all stuff still going on I will be leaving tomorrow. I am zero-contact stage, and it is hard to keep saying No but I know I got to do this for me or spend the rest of my life in misery. If it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t just can’t take it any more just want to be happy Thanx lisa