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    • #37085

      I’ve been out a few weeks from a marriage over a decade all went quiet and I thought I was a lucky one to be discarded so easily by him, I’ve had highs and lows but I’m strong I knew this was the final time and I was determined to never take him back, I had a few strange text this morning from him but stuck with the no contact and ignored him.

      Police turned up tonight he has been posting half naked pictures of me with my phone number attached near his new address apparently he took them whilst I was asleep a while back as an insurance policy if I ever tried to leave he told the police he doesn’t care as long as my life is ruined I belong to him😭😭😭😭 He needs help I think he’s actually lost it

      Pure evil how did I attract this thing how did I bring him into my kids lives I knew he hated me but this is beyond words. I’ve changed my number again I’m just a mess what if my kids see a picture my family I will be distroyed I will have to move will I cope with the shame I just can’t stop crying why? how could anyone be so disgusting

    • #37090

      Awful, just awful. Can the police do anything? Keep up the no contact thing – it really is the only way. I imagine that most people in your life and even those that aren’t a great deal, if they learn of this they will only feel empathy for you and be completely disgusted with him – he’s done himself no favours here whatsoever so that is something, it is so obvious you have been viciously attacked, as horrid as it is to think about the photos potentially being out there, he’s shown folk now what he’s really like hey. Speak to your trusted friends or the helpline about how you’re feeling. This will pass eventually x

    • #37094
      White Rose

      So sorry to hear this. I hope the police are going to do something about this behaviour.
      Keep safe and if anything odd happens make sure you let the police know as he’ll surely be on their radar now x

    • #37099

      Hey Hun

      HOw evil of this man, hope police can charge him , continue with no contact, he is testing u for a reaction , if possible press charges against him

    • #37103

      Thank you ladies
      Yes I am continuing with the no contact and the police are coming back today as I just wasn’t in a fit state to take anything in last night my children have been shipped to grandparents till this is sorted- hopefully with no repercussions for them I have some great friends who all went to collect pictures not many were found as police were just so mixed with emotions I just feel so low how did I not see such evil I didn’t even realise I was in an abusive marriage till recently I always just made excuses for his behaviour stress drink etc… I’m determined he will not break like he wants – thank you for listening x

    • #37113

      Hi Finally Something Clicked,

      It’s good you have the evidence of what he’s doing. My ex was very clever in being most abusive when it couldn’t be recorded. I did, however, manage to use some of his vile texts as evidence.

      What your ex has done is against the law. It’s great that you have this evidence- though the thing in itself is, of course, dreadful.

      It’s horrendous. My ex wanted to see me destroyed. Why? Because I dared to want to be happy and live peacefully, that was my crime. I had begun to ignore his games. That was enough for him to try to destroy me.

      I’m also filled with guilt over my kids having experienced it all. But as others have said, it happened so gradually and they were so clever about it: if you aren’t a manipulative person, you don’t know what to look out for. Xx

    • #37156

      Thank you all for listening and your kind words the police are dealing with him and I’m glad I have the proof of his abuse as I worried it was all in my head it’s not he was is disgusting it’s hard but I know I can do this I have to for my kids they deserve better than this no matter how low I am I’m determined to show my daughter this is wrong and my sons this is unacceptable it’s the only thing dragging me through each day at the moment I will not let him ruin my children- they were small when we met but aren’t his. Thank god for small mercies. Thank you for giving me strength and just being here for me it means so much x

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