Of got out yrs ago…. he couldn’t of proved it a anymore so foolish so many wasted yrs kids been to hell and back all his twisted games sheer agression swearing really bad moods not genuinely interested in any of us. I finally had the courage to end it last (detail removed by Moderator) he got his flat I’d had blips and a couple of times nearly fell for it again as he wanted single life but to use me too. But thank God for the freedom programme and support of all you lovely ladies iv not gone back. He had seen ud built strength he were still trying to twist things saying we both needed to change once upon a time I would have believed him not no more. The NO contact has made me so much more positive he’s still trying the odd message to reel me in but I’m stronger not to react. He’s going down the pan rapidly and domineering his mum demanding she makes him food immediately cups of tea. It hurts sometimes especially when he’s showing no interest in the kids but stuff him il get there one day…….xx