The abuse are not physical but there are more like mental torture and everything. When hes angry at me he takes it out on the boys. For example he kicked my eldest boy on his face in Sept and then he kicked my second son on his chest last week. He wants to know who I talk to, who my friends are, where am going and literally trying to control me
He has turned my daughter against me by telling her about the affair I had. I know it was wrong of me but people dont understand that it’s hard to be always with the kids and not have anyone to share your feelings with. When I spend time with the other guy I feel happy but I never deserted my kids to be with this other guy. I always made sure that my husband was home to look after them. I just need to feel loved and laugh st silly jokes and be romantic with someone. Is that wrong ? How can I force myself to love my husband when I never felt any love for him.