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    • #165465

      Thank you for your message. I felt bad as he chats with his mum over messages but they haven’t seen each other for years, there always seems to be a reason he doesn’t go there to see her. I just thought ah, he hasn’t got the same so maybe a bit bitter about it.

      When I tried to leave before he called me lots of names so I’m worried about the abuse I’ll get. He brings up a lot of my past relationships and says how it’s disgusting I bought things up like that before and then he says sorry later on and that he is jealous.

      I keep going over it in my head it’s not right and I feel I’m catching him out on lots of lies. They’re little lies but I don’t know why he does it.

      Thank you for your replies. This helps me a lot knowing it’s not right

    • #165448

      Thank you for replying to me. What you said resonates with me. When I was off sick from work, he decided to quit his brand new job as the hours were (detail removed by Moderator) per week and said we wouldn’t spend any time together. He was then out of work for (detail removed by Moderator) months and would say he had interviews when he didn’t or come up with some weird excuse why it didn’t go well.

      I know I should leave. I have tried before. He’s just relentless in his messages and then I know I’m going to a lot of abuse so in some ways I felt it was easier to give things another go.

      He says we’re meant for each other and he didn’t ask me to walk into the bar the night we met. I feel a bit trapped

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