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    • #110953

      Thank you for you advice guy very helpful gosh you wouldn’t know how much!!,
      I have received a letter from the therapist just stating my anxiety and depression and the dates I attend.
      Iv got in touch with the GP and they will call me Monday so I will explain my situation then.
      I remember seeking help from my GP years ago about the how he made me feel they gave me meds to help but he said I wasn’t allow to take them because it was in all in my head so I didn’t go back For review, I hope this doesn’t Jeopardise anything historical abuse is so hard to resolve, And even if it’s ongoing how serious do they take if we are no long a couple? xx

    • #110949

      I’m trying,
      thank you For your kind words X

    • #110848

      Hi, I have been ask Today to get help with legal aid I need proof of DV,
      The therapist I seen will only state I came to him with anxiety and depression not what caused it. So this have left me at a blank wall, as the people are happy to help with Legal aid providing a Organization can fill out there blank template.
      I feel like giving up Because the years of abuse I haven’t documented it’s just stuck in my head like a bad dream. And the person I did open up to Says because of BACP Policy they are only able to disclose dates of attendance. I don’t know what to do Any advice because I’m slowly giving up I’m jumping constant hurdles while still dealing with his psychological abuse daily xx

    • #108670

      Thank you. For you advice, x

    • #108640

      Thank you for your response. No I don’t have a solicitor,
      And I’m not very good a wording things, I absolutely understand I shouldn’t be going off topic as it can cause fiction. I have ignored any email up to now but I have received another Detailed Email with conditions of picking up the children in the very near future. Including A threat to take me to court

    • #108630

      Sorry to add I meant email as him and I only communicates Via email

    • #108629

      Morning, can anyone help with sending a last message as I have gone no contact with my ex, but he has emailed me once and saying his going to be turning up without any prior arrangement.
      I want to let him know I wish for no future contact not until we can get a contact order in place. And I’m not happy for him to just come and goes as he please and if he can stop sending vile messages. I’m not doing this to hurt or Be spiteful but I just can’t keep abiding by my ex’s house rules If that makes sense. If anyone can help with a email response Which will highlight the issues it will be great Thank you xx

    • #108138

      Thank you so much I got emotional ready this advice, you are so right I need to do what best for the children and it’s not me stopping him from seeing them, but its me putting boundaries down for eventually a better routine for them and to save my sanity.
      I have started a log thank you. ♥️

    • #108123

      Thank you, I have tried to cut contact, but because he uses seeing the kids to berate me at any chance, there is no routine So no set time or days, he will just email me saying I’m coming on this day and time for the girls, and expects me to be available, And I always do because I’m scared of the repercussion, one occasion I tried to challenge him Because we had plans and he threaten me with court because I was apparently stopping him seeing them on that occasion, I never I said could we do another day, I wish I never because he uses that against me, he told me to only contact him via email, and Then iv been ambushed with essays on historical events he has fabricated to make me look bad, I understand when you say I shouldn’t rely on him for child care, I’m Am working on Changing things once again with my boss As his used to switching and swapping, it’s hard as they are not in school at the moment, I tried a third With a cafcass who helped with the children and His mom And my mom tried, but he put a stop to that. As he said he doesn’t care what anyone thinks about What’s best for his children because theY are our children so no one can have a input. I feel as if I should stop contact until I hear from court but Doing that will get me into trouble as he is entitled to see them.

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