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    • #67154

      Thanks for all the support. I would love to block his number but unfortunately I can’t incase he doesn’t pay the monthly loan payments and I have to get in touch.

    • #67116

      I told him I did not need to see him face to face as I’d said everything I needed to say. I didn’t say I would feel uncomfortable as I didn’t want to give him that power over me.

      He responded with how much of a pathetic little excuse of a human being I was and he said no wonder I have no friends.

      It hurt, but my friends reminded me that he was only doing it because he didn’t get his own way and wants to hurt my feelings. But as I want me back said; it would be classed as harassment so I could report him.

      I’m not the names he calls me and I do have friends who care about me, he’s just trying to hit my weak spots and make me feel insecure and bad. How can someone claim to love you then purposely put you down for their own pleasure?

      I’m just anticipating more hurtful texts to come as this is what he’s done in the past.

    • #67103

      Just to add, he has also said some nice things before stating that he wanted to meet him. About being thankful for times and hoping I do well for myself etc. But they were mixed in with saying I’ll regret it and so on.

      So I just left it as I didn’t know what to make of it and felt like he was trying to make my mind tick.

    • #66650

      Thank you for all the support, it really means a lot! I feel like it’s keeping me grounded and focused.

      I text him to arrange to meet (detail removed by moderator) about this agreement without actually mentioning it in case he declined. He was being snappy saying I don’t need to see him for anything and if I want my belongings from his house then to get in touch with him mum.  (Detail removed by moderator)

      He then started asking if we were definitely finishing and kept pestering me to answer him but I didn’t want to say yes in case he changed his mind about the agreement so I just avoided the question. He was texting me all night, soppy messages and saying he couldn’t sleep cause he was thinking of me.

      (Detail removed by moderator). He signed the agreement no problem and was asking what I wanted but I didn’t feel comfortable saying at the time. He still doesn’t see anything wrong with his actions, even though I said I feel like the bad times outweigh the good. He said I’m just as bad as him. That “I let things get to me more than a normal person and that’s why I feel like this.” He kept pushing me asking what was happening so I said I need space. He said so will you be giving me a text and I just walked away because it was too much. He was being nice, asking for cuddles and saying have a good day, i love you and stuff and when I didn’t reply he just laughed.

      I feel awful now, I keep remembering the good times. But I also feel like he’s not taking me seriously. I just want out but I don’t want to actually go through with the whole situation.

    • #66658

      Thank you. I definitely want to end it but I don’t know how to go about it. Should I just text him and say I want to end things? I’ve tried explaining that it’s unhealthy but he won’t accept it and keeps referring back to a certain day last week which was the trigger for me, thinking this is the only reason no matter what I try to say. I feel it’s pointless trying to explain to him the reasons as he just turns it round on me.

      Any advice on what to say to him and how to go about it? I’ll be doing it over text – not the best I know but I can’t be face to face as I’ll change my mind or won’t being able to forget how hurt he looked. Plus I think he already knows where its heading by refusing to see me face to face when I say we need to talk.

    • #66593

      Thank you for your reply. I feel so relieved that from the outside this is classed as abuse!

      I’m not perfect either and we have both done things that have affected the relationship, but he won’t let them go and keeps bringing them up whereas I try not to too keep everything peaceful and move forward.

      Sorry about the bad grammar, I was typing so quick just to get it out!

      I’ve been to the bank and they said it is my loan therefore my responsibility to pay it back which is fair enough on their part, but I’ll definitely give Women’s Aid a ring as I’m not even in a position to be able to pay it back myself if he refuses.

      I told him I needed space and every time I’ve tried to arrange to see him to talk and to ask him to sign this agreement (which I haven’t told him yet as I don’t know how he’ll react) he leaves the house or says he’s past talking and is not playing along with my “game”. He says if I want a break to figure out whether I want to be with him then as far as he’s concerned there is nothing to figure out.

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