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    • #65881

      Flower he does cyber stalk me via my work and that how he got my details to contact me again. He regularly Google search me and tells me he will stop. He told me to take down my work information as he feels like it’s too much information. It isnt. It’s all work related but he’s not happy
      I don’t bother changing my work details because he will search and find my details. He criticise everything I do and he can do not wrong

    • #65855

      Thank you both for replying. There are red flags but because he’s so good at being sorry I pretend not to see them. I have tried a few times and he always finds me. I will ring the helpline. Thank you

    • #12013

      Yeah I have heard it. I know I will end up hurt again but this destruct button is on. I have stayed away for so long got him out of my head and was doing well, having counselling but it came to dating and sex I just couldn’t be with anyone else apart from him. So I left the date and went straight to him.
      I know I need to stay away but I’m already thinking about him

    • #12005

      I know it was wrong but yet it felt right for me. I went to him. He didn’t hassle me or anything it was all me
      I wanted him, still do and feel bad admitting that.

    • #11991

      *Apart from meet someone new*


    • #8990

      I can’t stay in my house as my boiler has packed up and been given the run around from the landlord. Been told for the twice it will be done in a week times. It’s been two weeks and he’s all I have in help form. I have children with him and I have to think of them and going to their dads is the only option

    • #12031

      Yeah that true. If I even mention his name in my house I’m consistly reminded what a evil person he is then I talk to him and he’s not that evil person anymore.

    • #12016

      Can’t tell a soul that I have gone back the lectures and abuse I would get is unreal. But not telling them I’m now lying about my whereabouts. This is what he does to me
      Two years of staying away and back to square one. Am i naive to think he has change
      He’s so different with me now

    • #12014

      Thank you serenity
      That is what this is trauma bonding from a far and when he’s around. Stopped me being with anyone else as I feel I’m doing something wrong or cheating
      Messed up

    • #8985

      I wish there was another way. I have taken awhile to come to this decision and knowing he’s the only person that can help me then asking him for his help.
      He’s the last person I wanna go to
      Feel stuck

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