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    • #95277

      He doesnt have any access to my money. Thanks God for that. I’m not actually scared of him that he would actually hurt me, but if at any point I will feel it, I’ve got place to stay. It’s been few days now that he has been trying very hard. He has more or less given me the space that I have asked for. I see him crying few times a day. I can see that he understood and actually willing to change. I’ts breaking my heart to see him like that. I have a moments that I just wanna high him to calm him down, but I’m keeping my cool head and I dont even say anything. I spoke to my mother about all that to add some reality to that because I realised that until you speak up your decision about leaving is not real. It’s worth nothing until you tell someone. I shared my experience with few people now and I can feel that for the first time in my life i took back the control over my free will.

    • #95193

      This is 100% my situation. Trust me, you are not crazy. My partner and I had conversation yesterday and he has own up to his mistakes for the 1st time in (detail removed by moderator). I broke up with him but he begged me to stay in the house till (detail removed by moderator) to watch him how much he can change. I agreed but only because it gives me time to sort myself out

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