This forum is a safe, anonymous space for women who have been affected by domestic abuse.
A moderator is online every day to respond to posts, provide individual advice, and deal with any technical problems relating to the Forum. We aim to respond to any requests within 12 hours. Before you post:
- Remember this is a live public forum – your message will appear as soon as you hit the “send reply” button.
- Remember that anyone can read your posts,
- Don’t include any identifying information (for example, your name, your children’s names, the place where you live or work) in your post
New here? Take a moment to look through our guidelines and FAQs to help you find your way around and stay safe online.
We have organised the topics into key themes to make it easy for you to find support, information, and talk to survivors who may have similar questions or experiences. You can also view the latest discussions by clicking on the latest topics button above.
- Forum
- Topics
- Last Post
General discussion
If you’re not sure where to post or if your post covers multiple areas, this board is the best place for any questions or anything else you’d like to share.
- 5,724
- 3 hours, 43 minutes ago
Are you new to the forum?
You can post an introduction here and meet other survivors who might be experiencing similar situations. You can also read our forum guidelines and our FAQs for more on how the forum works, how to keep safe without posting identifying details and how survivors can support each other.
- 1,696
- 1 day, 10 hours ago
Is it abuse?
Sometimes its difficult to decide whether what you are experiencing is actually abusive. This is especially true when your partner is telling you that it's your fault and blames you for their anger or control. Do let us know about how you are feeling and what you are experiencing.
- 2,339
- 1 hour, 12 minutes ago
Having a bad day?
This board is a place for you to post about what you’re going through at the moment where you and other survivors can listen and support each other.
- 4,518
- 3 hours, 28 minutes ago
Positive moments
This is a space for you to share your successes and good days with each other, whatever that might mean for you. Whatever it is, we want to hear what’s going on with you.
- 887
- 5 days, 3 hours ago
Leaving an abusive relationship
Whenever you’re ready to consider leaving, here is where you can post any questions you have about how to prepare practically and emotionally to leave as safely as possible.
- 2,115
- 13 hours, 34 minutes ago
Refuges and emergency accommodation
What is life like in a refuge? Share your experiences and questions here. There are resources that might help in our Survivors’ Handbook and you can share your experiences and questions here. We also have resources around housing advice and temporary accommodation.
- 136
- 1 day, 11 hours ago
Life after an abusive relationship
If you have questions about what happens after leaving or you’d like to talk about your experiences, this is a space for you to share and connect with other survivors.
- 4,296
- 4 hours, 12 minutes ago
Domestic abuse in Black and Minoritised Ethnic communities
Domestic abuse in BME (Black and Minoritised Ethnic) communities, please share you experiences here
- 49
- 3 months, 2 weeks ago
Women over 50
Abuse can happen at any age and there is support available. Here you can talk to other survivors over 50 about your experiences.
- 348
- 1 week, 5 days ago
Living with domestic abuse and disability
If you are disabled, have a health condition or mental health condition, and you’re experiencing domestic abuse, this is somewhere for you to discuss your experiences with other survivors.
- 82
- 1 week, 5 days ago
Are you experiencing abuse from family members?
Abuse can happen in all kinds of relationships, it’s not always between partners or ex-partners. If you are experiencing abuse from someone in your family, there is support available for you.
- 263
- 2 months, 3 weeks ago
General discussion