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    • #71808

      Hi (detail removed by Moderator). (detail removed by Moderator) you could request a 5 year one instead of the standard 1 year? I’m sure if he has continually harassed you they would be able to do this. I don’t know why these vile men cannot just move on and continue to behave in this way! It makes it so hard to move on with your life. Sending you lots of love.

    • #70493

      Hi when I was in the middle of court proceedings I applied for a passport for my daughter and was able to get one from the passport office without the fathers permission even though he has PR and without a court order. I explained the situation to them on the phone and they issued one. This was a first passport though so don’t know if it is different if your daughter’s has been cancelled. But might be worth calling again and speaking to someone else? Xx

    • #68879

      I have never been diagnosed with PND that’s just what he kept saying I had and told me he would have my daughter taken away from me because I was crazy if I tried to leave him. He even made an appointment with my doctor when I tried to leave the first time and went and spoke to them about his ‘concerns’ for me. I wasn’t going crazy he was just saying and doing things to confuse me and make me think I was!

      The HV and my daughter’s social worker were heavily involved during proceedings and were so helpful and supportive but now that has finished (for the time being) there is not much they can do. It’s down to the police now and I don’t hold out much hope! He is still under investigation but this has been going on so long I think if it was going to go to court it would have done by now. I don’t feel like there will ever be an end to it unless he kills me or gets locked away.

      I might give counselling a go I’m just nervous about it. I think I have only kept it all together by blocking things out, not sure how I would be trying to talk about everything. Thank you for your suggestions x

    • #68857

      Hi thank you for your replies. He has been arrested a few times and police know that it is him that is doing all these things (the few things I have listed are not even half of what he’s done, but I don’t want to say much more in case he reads this and works out it’s me!). He has even admitted to the tracker and a few other things but apparently it’s not an offence to place a tracker on someone’s car- which is frightening! (Detail removed by Moderator)

      I have been to the GP a few times but i don’t feel like it was particularly helpful. I kept getting asked if I was depressed and if I wanted antidepressants- which I don’t want and I’m not depressed I’m just terrified of him. I am also wary of saying too much (Detail removed by Moderator) and it gets used against me. He kept telling everyone I had PND and was a risk to our child before and (Detail removed by Moderator) ordered for medical disclosure. I never had PND I was just miserable having to try and live with him! Having my daughter was the best thing that could of happened to me otherwise I don’t think I would have ever left him, I could put up with him treating me the way he did but when he got nasty towards her that was what made me finally escape! I’m lucky she seems to be unaffected by it all because she is young, but she is going to start realising that we don’t have a normal life.

      I haven’t tried counselling or anything like that, I keep getting recommended it but I can’t talk about some of the things that have happened, especially from when we were together. I don’t know why- I just can’t.

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