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    • #90551


      I’m (detail removed by moderator) years out , the triggers do lessen over time and more importantly you learn to recognise them and accept the feelings knowing they WILL pass

      I will retreat too but sometimes fiends come along at the right time to give you a lift

      Know that every time you overcome a set back you are stronger and healing

      Take care

    • #90550

      I’ve done this too
      I’ve shut myself off from friends as I feel they can’t understand my pain and relate to me
      I’m not proud of it

      I also have the boundaries you describe
      Someone told me I was being ridiculous yesterday and that made derogatory comments about my personal life
      I just walked away end of conversation and will not reopen that door

      There are still some friends I care deeply about and value but I definitely have less friends
      I don’t know if it’s good or bad

      I think I have become colder

    • #90547

      Birmingham – 0121 250 6354
      Bournemouth – 01202 417 606
      Bristol – 0117 366 4809
      Cardiff – 0292 034 3685
      Chelmsford – 01245 245 527
      Chester – 01244 404 299Coventry – 0121 250 6354
      Exeter and Devon – 01392 415 335
      Leeds – 0113 306 2764
      Liverpool – 0151 296 2296
      London – 020 7947 7701
      Manchester – 0161 240 5037
      Newcastle – 01912 618 016
      Newport – 0292 0343 685
      Nottingham – 0115 947 3592
      Preston – 01772 844 920
      Sheffield – 0114 281 2456Southampton – 0238 0829862

      A list of numbers for personal support units

    • #90546

      Some courts run a personal support unit and they can give you free advice and refer you to the pro bono unit
      Your mp , citizens advise and some law centres may be appli to refer you too
      They were really helpful and although they couldn’t find me a barrister for my court date they did really try
      Just google bar pro bono

    • #37822

      My ex threatened me with social services for a year. held it over me like a weapon.

      When they finally rung I broke down and told them everything .
      I have non-molestaion order against him (for less than what you went through btw) > i was terrified of loosing my kids and scared I wasnt a perfect mother
      They dismissed his complaint it in 5 minutes. an said it was clear he was using them to harrass me.

      I know its so so hard but have faith . they are used to this type of personality and will see though it

      CAll NCDV they can help you write a statement for free and if you are eligible provide legal assistance to get protection (non-mol or occupation order) 0800 9702070

      dont worry about the police this time, its hit and miss whether you get a good officer but log every single abusive event he does with them via 101. Or go back to them Im my experience They are nice on the phone and helpful and will help your case and call them again if you need them. ask for their victim support or domestic violence unit and then you may get someone sensible

      Please stay strong and dont give up

    • #36502

      My ex had been threatening to do this for a year, making false allegations against my partner any time there was disagreement and when i refused to give him my address. I was like you really worried
      He then put in a child arrangements order initially not stating concerns, but hen when my return form described domestic abuse he made these allegations to cafcass. They in turn told services. When my call from SS came (detail removed by moderator) (on the same day as an extremely nasty email from their solicitor)I just broke down and sobbed.
      However, they had already sized him up and a had a brief call when they said,as there is a non-molestation order in place and he only raised concerns after this and (detail removed by moderator), it was just him trying to harrass me and they closed the file.

      So dont worry they are very kind and supportive and are used to these games abusers play. They will see the truth quickly

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